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See the light with Next Generation process optimization - The POSy-SystemTM

Alberta, Canada / / 780-904-6923
Find solutions quickly to smooth out your process and overcome dynamic variability with the POSy-SystemTM. Whether it is an old process, a problematic process or a new start, we are able to boost its efficiency and determine all of your required set points to achieve your goals.

The POSy-System
TM has just received its USA Patent (No. 11,061,992 B2) and Trademark. This means that it has been critically peer reviewed. 
Oil & Gas

Improve oil & gas operations. Find the solution for precise set points required to quickly overcome multi-variable systems to achieve the output you're looking for. The POSy-System (Paradox Optimization System) determines these set points easily and quickly to improve your efficiencies for output, energy, quality, costs and waste. The system may be used for efficiency improvements to any chemical process or pipeline conveyance.

Pharmaceutical and Manufacturing

The POSy-System may be used to determine the solution for manufacturing optimization (e.g. injection or blow molding), or to determine the precise quantities of ingredients required for new medicines while at the same time minimizing potential side effects. Read our testimonial from a major pharmaceutical manufacturer.


Research and development requires a team to determine not only the multi-variables but to what extent each variable must be set at to provide the greatest impact on what you're trying to achieve. The POSy-System will determine the solution to this problem quickly while saving you significant time and costs. PhD students who qualify may have their costs reduced.

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